L2 Mono Vst

The main things to consider for a stereo widener plugin are: Algorithm (s) for Stereo Width (sometimes you have options) Bass Bypass option (to make sure you don’t widen the lows) Frequency band split (to shape stereo in different ranges) Visual Display of Stereo Field. Special Modulation FX for stereo effect.

These are the best free stereo widening VST plugins. The VST widener plugins in this will give you a wider mix.

In this top 5, you'll find a stereo enhancer, panning plugin, tremolo, a chorus/delay, and (in my opinion) the best free stereo imaging plugin.

  1. These are the best free stereo widening VST plugins. The VST widener plugins in this will give you a wider mix. In this top 5, you'll find a stereo enhancer, panning plugin, tremolo, a chorus/delay, and (in my opinion) the best free stereo imaging plugin.
  2. VladG Sound’s Limiter №6 is a free option to another plugin on this list: TDR’s Limiter 6 GE. VladG’s Limiter Nº6 is a transparent plugin with a great application for mastering. It eliminates the need for more plugins in the signal chain, although it doesn’t offer as many possibilities as TDR’s.
  3. This is a series of 3 videos on the all new limiter from Fabfilter called Pro L2. Learn about the highlights, each and every new feature and get a hands-on in a mastering session! Get Pro L2 — PIB/ProL2 Fabfilter are know the world over for their supreme audio processing algorithms. The have cemented themselves.
  4. Was $20.00; Save $10.00 until 14 Jul 2021! Windows VST VST3 Audio Unit AAX. $48.00 Buy Now BUYING! Essence for TAL Bassline 101.

These are all quite unique and can solve different problems in your mix or achieve different goals you may be after.

Chart of the Best Free Stereo Widening Plugins

Here are the five best free stereo widening plugins that are found below the video.

Plugin NameAvailable Plugin FormatsSupported OS
Ozone Imager64-bit VST, AU, & AAXWindows & Mac
Pancake232 & 64-bit VST & AUWindows & Mac
Vocal Doubler64-bit VST, AU, & AAXWindows & Mac
Wider32 & 64-bit VST, AU, & AAXWindows & Mac
Tremolo32 & 64-bit VST & AUWindows & Mac

Check out this video for demos of how each one affects different samples.

1. Ozone Imager by iZotope

First up is a plugin from iZotope called Ozone Imager.

This stereo imaging plugin does more than just show you the width of your track, it also lets you shape it.

With options to control the width and a Stereoize parameter, you can bring something all the way down to mono and also make it wider than it was before.

Bottom line, this is great for understanding and controlling your mix.

2. PanCake2 by Cableguys

Next is a stereo panning tool called PanCake which is made by Cableguys.

Instead of using the default panning controls that come with your DAW, this effect plugin lets you modulate the pan with an LFO and even lets you create your own modulation curves.

Basically, it makes it really easy to automate your panning.

3. Vocal Doubler by iZotope

Alright, the third plugin is another one by iZotope called Vocal Doubler.

This is a great way to Thicken a sound and to get the most out of the full stereo width.

I'm pretty sure it's a subtle delay or chorus effect mixed with a stereo enhancer.

iZotope does recommend using this on dry vocals, which is just vocals that don't have any effects applied to them already.

L2 Mono Vst

For this plugin at least, it can cause pops and clicks in the sound.

So, you would just need to make sure this is on the top of your effect rack - unless you have an EQ, it shouldn't matter for filter effects.

And yeah, just cause it's called vocal doubler, doesn't mean it can only be used on vocals.

4. Wider by Polyverse & Infected Mushroom

For the next plugin, Polyverse and Infected Mushroom teamed up and made a really cool stereo widener that always remains in-phase with itself.

This means it can even work with mono sounds, although it isn't as effective as using it on stereo sounds.

Wider is simple to use plugin and all you need to do is either drag up or down on the percentage or side to side on the meter.

5. Tremolo by PechenegFX

Last is a plugin that will rapidly pan your sound back and forth from the left and right channels.

Tremolo by PechenegFX is, of course, a tremolo effect and is good for adding some width to a sound.

You'll have to switch the mode over to pan and may need to turn the output volume up to around 1.25 to get it back to normal levels.

Now it is more like a ping-pong effect from a delay plugin but it can help make some things in your mix wider by stimulating each ear differently.

Just be cautious when using it, if you use it on too many elements and make it very pronounced or obvious, it can leave you a bit disoriented.

I hope these VST plugins help you make music or sound effects that take up a lot more of the stereo width. As always, thanks for reading!

L2 Mono Vst

Last Updated on December 15, 2020.

L2 Mono Vst

When it comes to producinghigh-quality music, knowing how to deal with the stereo image of your song isessential.

I found a couple stereo imaging/expanderplugins which are awesome, and some of them are even free!

Let’s get started…

Best Commercial Stereo Imaging plugins

Here are four stereo enhancerplugins which I think are awesome, plus they are very affordable as well.

S1 Stereo Imager by Waves ($39.99)

Waves is probably the best-known company when it comes tohigh-quality plugins.

One of their more useful -and yet overlooked- plugins is theS1 Stereo Imager which is excellent for widening or narrowing the stereo image ofyour mixes, as well as correcting or enhancing stereo, or even a mid-sideimage.


  • Enhances stereo spatial effect.
  • Remixing and rebalancing existing stereo mixesfor remastering.
  • Retains mono compatibility.
  • Avoids phasiness effects.
  • No alterations of tonal quality; no unwantedadded effects.
  • Simply brings out what is already there in thestereo mix.

You can find out more about the S1 Stereo Imager here.

Pro Q by FabFilter ($160)

Despite being an EQ plugin, thePRO Q also has a stereo imaging function which you can access by changing thechannel mode to mid-side.

This will allow you to EQ in a stereo fashion; If you putthe PRO Q on your output you can then, and in most cases should, cut the lowend on the side channel.

This will give you an increased perception of the low-end inthe mid channel, which is where the bass, and other instruments that live inthat low-end, should be.

It’s also very useful for creating room for other elementsof the mix that are in the middle and need to stand out more.

Simply cut the frequencies of that element on the side channelto make it pop out more in the middle.

This is seriously one of the best ways to give your mixes asense of space and making room for the important elements.

You can find out more about Pro Q here.

Doubler by Waves ($29)


Doubler is a simple yet powerful double-tracking plugin that allows you to add additional voicing to any track.

Additionally, you can control the placement of said tracksin a 90-degree stereo field.

This means that you can have individual control over thestereo placement, modulation, tuning, and gain of each single track, giving youloads of possibilities over the sound of them.

It can even work as a tremolo or chorus effect, depending onhow much or how little modulation and tuning you apply.


  • Double-tracking / chorus plugin
  • Add shimmer and presence
  • Create the ‘80s harmonizer and pitch detuneeffects
  • Double vocal parts automatically
  • Add flam-like effects to drums

Find out more about Doubler here.

Panpot by Goodhertz ($49)

This plugin was founded on the principles of how humansperceive different sound sources; that is, to identify the size, location, anddistance of a sound in space.

They manage to mimic these conditions by introducing threenew types of panning;

Delay, Spectral, and Phase.

L2 Mono Vst Free Download

Now, we all know how traditional panning works; we turn theknob left or right and it pans the source to either of the sides.

Panpot allows us to do much more “realistic” panning, if wewant to, or even create something completely “unrealistic”.

If you truly want to be able to take your panning skills toa new level, then Panpot is an absolute must.

Find out more about Panpot here.

Free Stereo Imaging Plugins

Despite being free, all of these plugins are excellent, andI mean excellent!

Make sure to check them out!

Ozone Imager 2 by iZotope

Like all other iZotope plugins, the Ozone Imager is a veryvisual plugin since it features a vectorscope which meters your stereo widthand allows you to literally see if the left and right channels are lining upproperly.

It also comes with the “Steorize” function which allows youto turn mono into stereo, with no need for reverb or doubling.

It can be used as a subtle enhancement or for creating afull blown-out phasing effect.

Lastly, you can control how wide or narrow every element ofthe mix is; Do you want to spread out a narrow-sounding synth? Ozone Imager cando that.

You can download it here.

Wider by Polyverse Music (Free)

This is a simple free plugin that widens your stereo signal…

The added benefit of Wider is that it does this withoutcausing phase issues when you listen to the mix in mono because any widenedsignal will always remain in phase.

It’s extremely easy to use because you can only control oneparameter; the width.

And that’s it!

It creates a much wider stereo feel and it doesn’t mess withthe phase at all!

Excellent plugin that I absolutely recommend!

You can download it here.

A1Stereo Control by Alex Hilton (Free)

Often times you’d want to give your mixes a wider andexpansive sound…

This is where A1Stereo Control comes in.

One issue does normally arise when doing this using otherplugins which is “widening the bass end”, since the bass should always be inthe center.

However, this plugin comes with the “Safe Bass” algorithmwhich centers everything below a user-configurable value.

This gives your tracks the solidity and definition you wantwhile preserving maximum transparency and sharpness.

Simply turn on “Safe Bass” and adjust the frequency ifneeded and that’s it… It’s really that simple.

You can download it here.


This is one of those cases where the premium plugins aren’t necessarilythat much better than the free ones.

I think most people will be more than happy with any of thefree stereo wideners I listed.

The only premium plugin I would absolutely recommend overall the others is Panpot.

I hope this information was useful.

Have a wonderful day!